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Monday, October 17, 2011

Google Body Browser Victim of Google Labs Shutdown, Lives on as Zygote Body

As announced by Google last July, it has shut down Labs, the playground where you could test unfinished prototypes built by Google engineers. One of the victims is Google Body Browser, the impressive Google Earth-like explorer for the human body, which was only launched last December.

However, no time for crying, as it will live on as Zygote Body, which will be a free application available online and as an Android app (Zygote is also the company which originally created the 3D models used in the body browser). The code for the 3D viewer behind Google Body will be open-sourced. Here is the announcement that was previously displayed on the Body Browser page:

As Google Labs winds down, we will be retiring Google Body. However, you will soon be able to find its functionality elsewhere. We are working on open-sourcing the code that powers Google Body so that anyone will be able to create and run a searchable 3D viewer. We are also working with our partner, Zygote Media Group, on an application called Zygote Body. This application will be free, available on the web and on Android, and will enable students, teachers, and others using Google Body to continue to have access to a human anatomy browser. MedGadget

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