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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Medical App that replaces the reference cards in your white coat, Wards 101 i-pocketcards review

Though we are now able to cram a virtually unlimited amount of information into our pockets via our mobile devices, just a few short years ago, pocket books and pocket cards were the weapons of choice. There were few weapons more efficient than a well-designed set of pocket cards; they were a potent combination of critical information presented in a compact package available for extremely quick reference.

But times change, and white coat real estate is increasingly occupied by mobile technology. I admittedly do find pocket cards to be quicker in terms of looking up critical information at times, but as one begins carrying multiple pocket cards, this speed advantage is lost. There is only a finite space available, and mobile devices are increasingly being tapped to fulfill this role.

In a bid to stay on top of trends, Borm Bruckmeier has translated their Wards 101 Essentials Pocketcard Set, which covers common emergency, internal medicine, and ICU topics, to the iPhone and iPad via a universal iOS app. iMedicalapps

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