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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Department of Defense embracing alternative medicine

Would you be surprised to know that the Department of Defense has designated several billion dollars for research into these healing techniques. The Pentagon has also dedicated five million dollars as grant money to research into some of these methods such as acupuncture and meditation in order to treat PTSD in veterans. Let us not forget the U.S. Army who gave four million dollars in grant money for research into alternative methods to treat and heal conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, substance abuse and depression. These unconventional healing methods have been showing promise among veterans and military personnel.

Appearing in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2010, research had been conducted on the effects reiki on Acute Coronary Syndrome. The results of the study had demonstrated it was a benefit to patients however, the long term effects are still unclear.

This month the US Department of Veteran Affairs has announced the launch of the Congressionally mandated chiropractic services program. The following has been released by the DAV:

Veterans can receive chiropractic care at 26 selected Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities beginning this fall, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi announced today. AllVoices

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