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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Google+ for doctors, and why physicians should be careful

So, how should physicians handle Google+?

Similar to the way doctors should use Facebook.  I’ve recommended in the past that physicians maintain two profiles, a personal one to share only with close family and friends, and a professional page that is open to the public.  As far as I can tell, Google+ offers no such personal-professional differentiation.  So if you join, it’s imperative that your pictures and personal content be well-vetted before you post.  Since this is a Google product, there’s a greater chance that what’s found on Google+ will be indexed in the search engine.

Google Circles has the potential to be that application to isolate your professional identity (you can selectively share content with different groups), and physicians need to be vigilant in using that feature.  For now, be careful about what you put on your Google Profile.

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